Have a Better Christmas

Sick face


After managing somehow to stave it off the entire season, I have finally taken grossly ill just in time for Christmas.  Because 2016, I guess.

So, have a much better Christmas than me, everyone!



Bene vīvite.

Speaking of Reindeer

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!  But it’s just not quite complete without reminding everyone to go check out some weirdtastic Finnish reindeer drama:


Niko 2Reindeer Drama

You can’t always strike gold when absently perusing Netflix, but sometimes, you might strike…reindeer?

Don’t strike reindeer, though.  That’s terribly rude.

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Niko posterReindeer Drama: Part -1

After seeing the second movie, tracking down the first became a necessity.

It does not disappoint.

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Glory in their madness, and have a happy new year!


Bene scribete.

Happy Old Year



The year’s about to call it quits,
Along with all the romp and fest,
And Santa Claus is chuffed to bits
To have eleven months of rest.


Hope everyone had as wonderful a Christmas as could be!  The new year is upon us, but hey, don’t count this one out just yet – there are still several days left in 2014!

So do something awesome before Thursday rolls around.  Something big, something memorable – something you can look back on and say you accomplished in 2014, even as its final moments slipped through your fingers like a greased-up ribbon in a strong breeze.  After all, being able to say you did that one thing that one time is what it’s all about, right?

Well, what is it?  What’s the thing?

See you in 2015.  (>^-‘)>


Bene scribete.

The Uncomfortable

Flat Key


There are few things I find as funny as the artfully wrong, so I can’t help but cringe with delight at Greek architect Katerina Kamprani’s ongoing art project, The Uncomfortable, in which she redesigns household objects to make them – shall we say – a little less useful.

Behold their terrible genius and weep.  And then check out her website and Facebook page for more.

Have a merry (and functional) Christmas, everyone!


One Christmas light


Bene scribete.

Shop ’til You Don’t

Christmas tree in cart



Christmas shopping is hard, man.

Well, the shopping part is kind of fun, in a festive tradition-y sort of way.

It’s the ideas – those are hard.  You’re on the spot, and no matter how well you know some people, when tasked to produce a single, paltry thought as to something – anything – they might enjoy or find useful, the best you can come up with is “uhhhhhh…

You know how it is.

But when you do find that perfect something – that’s the stuff, right there.  Yeah.  Then you take a few minutes to nod in self-congratulation, because you deserve it.  Good job, you.

I think I’m about halfway done.  That’s about…I’d say…around 50% less done than I’d like to be.  This year’s been trickier than others for some reason.  I think I just left my creativity in a box somewhere while moving, and still haven’t unpacked it yet.

Need to find that stuff.  Then I can get back to nodding.


Bene scribete.