Star Flash

Fish Notes


What’s this? More music? The only creative thing I can complete lately!?


I encountered a thread on Twitter a couple weeks back of people posting their favorite (invariably science fiction) ’80s cartoon opening themes, which left me with the urge to write something along those lines.

As a side note, if you crave an exercise in madness, try coming up with a title consisting of “Star” followed by a cool/short/punchy word that isn’t already the name of some existing sci-fi show, movie, book, game, or what have you.


Bene scribete.

The Moon Goes to Town (Title Theme)

Well…this is embarrassing!

I had said I was going to draw a winner for the book giveaway today, but…apparently no one entered!  I guess that will teach me for trying my hand at viral marketing.  (>^-‘)>

So, instead, I shall leave you with the prototype title theme for a classic point-and-click adventure game a colleague and I are developing.



Bene scribete.