Star Flash

Fish Notes


What’s this? More music? The only creative thing I can complete lately!?


I encountered a thread on Twitter a couple weeks back of people posting their favorite (invariably science fiction) ’80s cartoon opening themes, which left me with the urge to write something along those lines.

As a side note, if you crave an exercise in madness, try coming up with a title consisting of “Star” followed by a cool/short/punchy word that isn’t already the name of some existing sci-fi show, movie, book, game, or what have you.


Bene scribete.

Pumpkin Punch / Stress Fracture

Fish Notes


In lieu of sufficient progress on certain matters to make a worthwhile announcement quite yet, here is…yet more music.

Eh? Ehhhhh???



This one’s just a short bangy harpsichord piece I did while feeling glum. What better than baroque tones to express feeling bad, but, like, in a classy way? As always, SoundCloud compression trashes harpsichord, but feel free to download if so inclined.



And here’s an experimental synth piece I did with a neat little waveform shaper called Glass Viper. I constructed all of the sounds in it just by manually drawing in and layering small audio waveforms (which it will frequency-modulate to pitch-map), and only really scratched the surface of what this synthesizer is capable of.



Bene scribete.

Trovami Sotto la Luna

Fish Notes



Good question!  Short answer…doing big things.  But more on that later.

For now – new music!



I had the urge to write something classical, which I realized I hadn’t done in some time, so I threw together my take on a baroque harpsichord toccata (well, maybe not “threw together”; I actually spent a lot more time on it than I meant to).  As usual, SoundCloud’s streaming compression crumples harpsichord dynamics, but alas.  Feel free to download if you’d like a giant FLAC file.


Bene scribete.