Show ‘Em Your Claws

Fish Notes


Programming audio for the NES is fun, so when I came across an emulator for the S-SMP (the SNES sound processor), I had to take a stab at Super Nintendo music as well.

I’m not very good at action/battle music.  So, of course, I wrote an RPG battle theme.



Naturally, I went for something in the Final Fantasy vein.  I probably could have done some further sample-rate/bit-depth reduction to make it sound more like it was coming from a real SNES DSP (the percussion’s a bit too crisp in particular), but this seemed to be an acceptable balance that hopefully still captures its distinct feel.


Bene scribete.

Midnight Run

Fish Notes


Got a neat little inverse-colored super-portable miniature MIDI keyboard to use with my laptop on a Labor Day sale, so I of course had to throw something together with it



Another go at an ’80s-noir synth vibe (but with a koto for some reason).  Had a heck of a time getting it to sound O.K. streaming – pure sine waves amid a lot of ambiance is really hard to compress, apparently.   Ended up uploading FLAC instead of MP3 this time, which helped a bit, but this piece seems a lot more dependent on physical speaker properties than most.


Bene scribete.

Ion Tower

Fish Notes


Playing around with MixCraft Pro 7 – wanted to do something synthy, so I thought I’d throw together a video game-y stage loop with a “final dungeon” sort of feel, as I tend to enjoy such pieces (any well-composed game from the ’80s and ’90s had to have a good last level theme, right?).



I feel like something’s not quite right, or missing, from it, but a plethora of tweaks and additions I tried only made it sound worse.  I probably just need more practice with modern synth and techno.  As much as I enjoy it, my mindset’s still too ingrained with orchestral tendencies (or simple waveform generation, on the other end of things).


Bene scribete.

A Long Way From Home

Fish Notes


Whew. This piece wasn’t easy to get right. Glad I stuck with it, though, since I like how it turned out.

Not sure what it’s for – just a synth and orchestral blend that wormed its way into my head and rattled around until I could put it together.



As is typical for wide-range pieces, SoundCloud’s compression crushed the audio, but feel free to download for higher quality.


Bene scribete.

Short Film Score Demo

I haven’t posted anything music-related in a little while, so I figured I’d share a little something I’ve been working on.

I was asked to do the music for a short film of my brother’s, and this was the demo chosen out of the handful I put together for it.  I was going for kind of an ’80s noir vibe with it.

Hope you enjoy!



Bene scribete.